Singing Guide: Charlie Wilson

Singing Guide: Charlie Wilson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

To learn how to sing like Charlie Wilson, first, you must understand his unique vocal style. He is known for his soulful, powerful, and emotive singing. Charlie's voice is a combination of soul, R&B, and funk with a slight gospel influence.

To achieve the same sound, start by identifying your voice type through Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test and understanding the basics of breathing and active breath support. To master breath support, try Singing Carrots' Breath Support Exercise while understanding the concept of open mouth and throat.

Charlie is known for vocalizing in his "head voice" above the vocal break. To work on this technique, try Singing Carrots' Voice Registers and Vocal Break exercises. Singing with twang is also a hallmark of Charlie's style, so consider practicing Singing Carrots' How To Twang Exercise.

To improve your vocal range and agility, Singing Carrots' Pitch Training will be an excellent resource. Charlie Wilson's songs are the perfect examples of his emotive singing style. Some of his most popular songs are "There Goes My Baby," "You Are," "Chills," and "Charlie, Last Name Wilson."

To effectively learn a song, follow Singing Carrots' tips on How to Learn a Song Effectively. Additionally, Singing Carrots' Song search feature will help you find songs based on your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

Finally, taking Singing Carrots' 21-lesson singing course will provide you with a solid foundation in singing theory and practical tips. Following Singing Carrots' other articles on emotions, articulation, and stage presence will help you develop your own unique style while singing like Charlie Wilson.

Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.